Cloudious 9 Atomic9 Dry Herb Vaporizer
You don’t have to spend a bundle to get an amazing portable dry herb vaporizer. The Cloudious 9 Atomic9 Dry Herb Vaporizer is a small convection vape that stands out from the crowd of other portable dry herb vapes. The Atomic9 boasts a dual-layer heating system that combines the consistency of true convection heating with the energy efficiency of conduction.
The Atomic9 offers 6 adjustable temperatures ranging from 356°F to 428°F. This allows you to pick the type of sesh you want from one that’s packed with flavor to a cloud-filled experience that will send you straight to ‘Cloud 9’.
This vape has a magnetic mouthpiece with a detachable “rapid vapor cooling chamber” that cools your vapor down. To make loading the chamber fast, easy, and mess-free the Atomic9 has an inbuilt retractable herb loading scoop. This vaporizer is powered by a 900mAh lithium-ion battery that gives you plenty of vaping time.
With its sleek and durable anodized aluminum exterior and one-button operation, the Atomic9 is perfect for taking discreet hits while you’re on the go. At just under 4-inches long, this vape slides easily in and out of your pocket.
Cloudious 9 got everything right on the budget-friendly Atomic9. This portable dry herb vaporizer produces great vapor quality thanks to the dual-layer heating technology it uses. Pick your favorite color between Black and Gray and nab yours today.