Boundless Terp Pen Vaporizer
Boundless is one of the best-known producers of vaporizers, known for their quality, durability, and ease of use. And this Terp Pen is not an exception.
Perfect for concentrate sessions on the go, this wax pen features a ceramic coil and heats up within seconds thanks to the innovative inhale-activated heating system. It works great both with short and long draws, giving you full control of vapor production.
Known for long battery life, Terp Pen can be quickly recharged with the included Micro USB cable. To load, simply apply a small amount of concentrate to the coil and enjoy delicious and potent hits. Completed with a magnetic cap for easy storage, this pen is compact enough to fit every pocket and is perfect for traveling and discreet sessions.
Shipped with a charging cable, dabbing tool, and a brush. Backed with a 3-year user warranty.